Slingshot Releases Support for “2D” Bar Codes

Slingshot’s Radio Frequency application now supports “2D Bar Code” labels. These labels provide multiple pieces of information on one scan. To illustrate, assume you have products that are lot- controlled and have expiration dates.
When picking these items each piece of information (Product, Location, Lot #, Quantity, and Unit) must be scanned. With the “1D” label approach, 5 scans are required. With “2D” labels all of the information can be captured with a single scan. Slingshot instantly parses the information and populates all of the fields on the scanner.
“2D” capability is part of the latest release of Slingshot’s Wireless RF Module. “2D” label support is provided for “system directed” tasks such as receiving, picking, putting away stock, counting and confirming shipment. Support is also provided for adhoc “user directed” tasks such as moving material or performing various inquiries.