Mobile ERP Software

The way we see it, there's an immediate need to embrace mobile functionality.
Already, email and what I tend to call "toy" apps have made their way into the palm of your hand. This is changing how we work and communicate in a pretty profound way. Marketers across the globe are also getting all excited about this medium and it's potential for directly targeted messaging and selling.
We're excited about the challenge of taking a big, powerful and mature piece of software, and putting some of the most simple and powerful functionality in the palm of your hand as well.
Why not mobilize these functions?:
- Approvals: Requisitions, Purchase Orders, Invoices and write offs etc.
- Alerts: Get real time notification of configurable exception conditions)
- Inquiries: Scenario - You're on a client's site, they want a $50,000 order delivered tomorrow - can you do it? Look at your hand held and give them an answer
Why not? What would you like to do with your ERP system from the palm of your hand? Let us know...