eStock-Pharma Added to ERP Suite

Slingshot is releasing a pharmaceutical inventory control module to meet the needs of laboratories, and manufacturing organizations. This new application incorporates the features formerly offered as “Pharma Extensions” to Slingshot’s Inventory application and adds a number of new features specific to the pharmaceutical industry.
eStock-Pharma is GMP/GLP compliant software providing:
1. DSCSA Pedigree Tracking
2. Dual Lot# Tracking (internal and manufacturer)
3. Lot Attributes by Material Type
4. Material Sampling Control
5. Test Results and Certificate of Analysis Tracking
6. Material Statuses including “Quarantined”, “Released”, “Expired”, “Quality Hold”, “Destruction Hold”. Receipt status defined by material type.
7. Shelf Life Control with Automatic Expiration
8. Check Lists for Receiving and other operations with single or dual Electronic Signature.
9. Container Tracking (ID assignment, material volume to 4 decimals)
10. Pharmaceutical labeling
11. Electronic Batch Record (as formulated)
12. Product Versioning with Version Approval Workflow
13. Electronic Signature capture for all processes affecting material status or balance
14. Pharmaceutical Alerts including "Time out of Temp", “Lots Pending Expiration” and "Lots Pending Retest".
eStock-Pharma will be available in release G2-12 of the Slingshot ERP suite which is scheduled for general availability on September 16th. For more information contact Slingshot sales representative at