Account Management features added to Slingshot’s Supplier Portal

Slingshot’s supplier portal now permits multiple signed in users for the same supplier. One user, deemed the administrator, is allowed to establish or deactivate other users. This feature puts the supplier in control of who can access the portal and what functions can be performed.
Slingshot’s supplier portal allows the supplier to:
- Accept Purchase Orders (confirms)
- Respond to RFx Documents
- Accept Invoices (valued receivers)
- View Account Balances including Scheduled and Past Payments
- Update Capabilities and Products Offered
- Update Current and Future Product Pricing (for items “off contract”)
- Review Performance Measurements (on time delivery, invoice accuracy etc.)
- Change Profile Information (administrator only)
The supplier portal is part of Slingshot's advanced procurement suite. For more information contact Slingshot sales representative at