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Sales Order Management

Efficient and Simple Sales Order Management System

Automate sales order management for flexible order processing and superior customer service

Experience unmatched flexibility to meet customers' unique preferences and needs with Slingshot's Sales Order Management software for pharmaceutical companies. Automate manual processes, eliminate errors, and provide exceptional customer service with complex workflow capabilities.

Define "User Roles" for Personalized Control

Tailor the application to different user groups, such as customers, sales representatives, suppliers, and customer service staff, providing each with a customized view and access level for secure and efficient order management.

Provide Secure Internet Access for Customers

Utilize Slingshot's sales order management "Store" to accept customer orders online. The intuitive shopping cart interface enables customers to browse products, create shopping lists, and receive automated order acknowledgments, shipping confirmations, and invoices via email.

Flexible Order Types for Varied Workflows

Design unlimited order types with unique processing sequences to handle diverse scenarios like domestic orders, exports, customer returns, service/repair orders, and more. Easily adapt to changing requirements and support multiple fulfillment paths on a single sales order.

Streamlined Order Entry with Multiple Tools

Accelerate the entry process with features like shopping lists, product browsing, order copying, and merging. Automatic tax and freight calculations ensure accurate pricing, while hierarchical product catalogs and powerful search capabilities enhance product selection.

Real-Time Availability with "Available to Promise" (ATP)

Check product availability instantly during order entry. If an item is on backorder, the ATP feature provides estimated availability dates, considering scheduled purchase order receipts and future sales order demand.

Versatile Pricing Schemes

Configure multiple price lists with individual product schedules and pricing methods, including unit price, cost plus, list minus, and $achievement-based discounts. Apply for promotions and calculate discounts based on cumulative purchases or specific customer groups.

Efficient Order Notes and Attachments

Add notes to orders or line items, attach files like pictures or documents, and automatically associate notes with specific order types. Enhance communication and provide additional information to ensure accurate order processing.

Comprehensive Line Types for Shipping and Billing

Utilize standard line items types such as Ship&Bill, ShipOnly, BillOnly, Return&Credit, and more, or define custom line types to support diverse shipping and billing processes: control shipping schedules, fulfillment rules, and drop-shipments at the line item level.

Package Tracking and Customer Hierarchy

Maintain tracking identifiers for parcel shipments and easily link to carrier websites for current delivery status. Manage customer addresses and hierarchies for efficient order processing and compliance with customer preferences.

Emailed Documents for Stakeholders

Enable document subscription and automatically email order-related documents to subscribers, including customers, sales representatives, and other stakeholders, in Adobe PDF format for easy access and reference.

Configurable Credit Checking and Billing Options

Perform selective credit checks based on order types and set credit checking rules for customers or specific bill-to addresses. Consolidate multiple invoices into a single invoice based on shipment, milestone, or recurring billing options.

Alerts for Proactive Customer Management

Define alert conditions to monitor important events, such as large orders, credit hold situations, or significant order rate deviations. Stay informed with alerts delivered through the system or via email.

Sales Order Management (PDF)