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Accounts Receivable

Efficiently Manage Accounts Receivable

Streamline cash flow and optimize receivables with Slingshot's comprehensive accounts receivable management tools for the pharmaceutical industry.

Experience streamlined and efficient management with our comprehensive accounts receivable software for pharmaceutical firms that allows them to optimize cash flow, automate collections, and customize the application to meet their specific business needs.

Accounts Receivable Management

Slingshot's cutting-edge accounts receivable software for the pharmaceutical industry provides robust features so you can stay on top of debtor processing, improve cash flow, and easily optimize collections.

Automated and Secure Internet Connectivity

Enhance customer communications through secure internet connectivity. Send email invoices to customers immediately upon shipment, deliver statements to delinquent accounts, and promptly notify customers when deductions are disallowed.

Customizable Application to Your Business Processes

Easily add or modify forms without programming, allowing personalized configurations that meet your specific requirements. Upgrade AssistTM utilities ensure that your system "personalizations" are preserved during version upgrades.

Improve Efficiency with "User Roles"

Configure user roles for collectors, credit management, and customer service personnel, granting access to authorized functions. Customize information displayed on forms based on user roles, simplifying processes, reducing training needs, and minimizing errors.

Eliminate the Need for Manual Report Scanning with "Alerts"

Set up conditions to be monitored by the system, receiving instant notifications for critical events. Stay informed about credit limit exceedances, overdue invoices, and more. Choose your preferred method of receiving alerts, including email or direct system notifications.

Accurate and Timely Financial Information

Make informed decisions with accurate and timely financial information from Slingshot's accounts receivable software for pharmaceutical companies. Gain multiple views of financial data for instant analysis, supporting optimal decision-making and maximizing financial control.

Provide Instant Access to Customer Information

Benefit from a flexible customer table with a multi-level account structure, allowing for unlimited addresses per customer. Maintain contacts for each address, enabling automated document emailing to designated individuals.

Streamlined Billing Facilities

Seamlessly process shipments or receipts from the inventory management module and automatically generate billing documents. Enter line items or revenue account distributions easily, simplifying the billing process.

Enhanced Credit Management Tools

Access up-to-date credit statistics for quick decision-making. Establish credit checking rules at various levels, including exposure checks, delinquency checks, and manual holds. Keep track of the last credit review date, last payment amount, and date for comprehensive credit management.

Automated Collector Actions

Utilize the account review process to select delinquent accounts, view aging and collections history, and schedule letters or calls—record customer communications and commitments in a collector's notepad, with reminders prompting follow-ups on payment promises.

Efficient Cash Receipts Entry

Enter payments in batches to ensure accuracy and support various payment types, including miscellaneous payments, deposits, and receipts. Easily correct errors, create charge-backs for unauthorized deductions, and automate investigations and resolutions.

Streamlined Electronic Cash Application

Leverage the Auto-Cash facility to accept electronic payment transmissions and automatically apply payments to corresponding invoices using coding/routing numbers.

Account Receivable Software (PDF)